Our system demands postcode in "Polish" format XX-XXX, please enter it this way or put 00-000 in this field and send us the correct one by email. 


We send packages within European Union as priority, registered mails and the postage depends on the weight of the parcel. In example:

350-500 g   - 34.44 PLN
500-1000 g  - 46.74 PLN
1000-2000 g - 78.97 PLN

The exact shipping costs are calculated after placing the order. Please note that packing materials like boxes, bags, foil, etc. also have the influence on the total weight.

We can also ship your order by courier. The shipping costs this way vary depending on the destination country.


All prices are given in PLN. How much is it in EUR or your local currency depends on the way of payment and current exchange ratio.

We accept PayPal payments as well bank transfers for foreign orders.


The delivery by post could take 1-2 weeks, by courier up to 7 days. All the parcels are send as registered and we can send you the tracking code to follow them online.


We have discount system for our loyal customers. According to the value of purchases in the previous 6 months you are granted the discount for the next 6 months period.

over 500 PLN - 7%
over 1000 PLN - 10%
over 1500 PLN - 12%
over 2000 PLN - 15%

The shipping costs don't count for the total value of purchases.

We also have regular promotions for some items as well send our customers various discount codes in our newsletter.

Our discounts don't sum up, but our system automatically select the highest bonus available.